Before and After Tummy Tuck

Clinic Mono Surgery
2 min readFeb 1, 2021

Tummy skin is very prone get deformed and sag due to the major weight changes. Layered and saggy look of the tummy is often very uncomfortable for people. Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery is for those who would like to regain their firm tummy.

The techniques and technologies are very advanced and the operation is very smooth today; with a correct approach to the before and after processes of the procedure, results of tummy tuck are very successful.

Before tummy tuck

One of the most important things before having tummy tuck is the true identification of the operation; tummy tuck is usually mistaken to be a surgery to lose weight but this is not right. Tummy tuck aims to eliminate the layered and saggy look on the abdominal area by removing out the excess skin and cannot performed for those who are over certain BMI value. It is usually preferred by people who had lost a significant amount of weight or would like to achieve flatter belly after pregnancy.

Before tummy tuck, your surgeon will examine your current medical condition and decide the suitable technique for your needs and expectation as this operation can be performed in many ways.

After tummy tuck

A good healing process contributes a lot to the final results. Resting is quite important after tummy tuck; patients should take a week or two off from work. Any activity which may strain the belly or increase the blood pressure should be avoided for at least a month and the medical garment should be worn as instructed by the surgeon.

Abdominoplasty results are permanent; however, patients should follow a healthy lifestyle to prevent major weight changes and skin deformations, otherwise they would not be able to preserve their results.

